When y'all have a shell, feelings get magnified by 100. You may accept thought they were cute before, but now they're GORGEOUS. Or perchance their jokes that y'all use to laugh at now get out you on the floor in a fit of laughter. That's only what infatuation does to y'all, it makes it hard to become a real sense of your feelings. Sometimes you might really be falling for someone, and other times, yous're just in love with the thought of the person.

So, to assistance you sort out your true feelings and detect out if you're actually in love, or if it'south simply a big 'ol vanquish, take this quiz to help you determine what's really going on.

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am i in love

The CW

If you answered more often than not with the first column…

Your feelings are the real deal. It's not merely considering they're hot, or they're on the soccer team, or have that cool senior thing going for them. You've found someone you tin can trust and with whom yous can share personal things about yourselves that you've never told anyone else. They're the person yous go to when you have good news or bad, and you literally don't know what you'd do without them in your life. Even if you're not set to say "I dear you" yet, that kind of intimacy, trust, and deep connectedness are the foundation for lasting love.

Beauty, Fashion, Event, Fashion design, Photography, Conversation, Scene,

The CW

If y'all answered mostly with the second column…

Hold tight — it sounds like it's but a passing crush. It might be that you don't know them well enough to know if your feelings are based on anything real, or if information technology's more of a superficial infatuation. When you've been crushing on someone forever and then really start hanging out with them, the excitement of the dream coming truthful might make you call back y'all're more into them than you actually are. It's of import to take it day by day! If information technology doesn't work out, don't despair; you tin can nevertheless learn a lot about yourself and the world of relationships from a crush. And, who knows, equally time goes by, a deeper relationship might abound.